Short Stature and Celiac Disease
Very Short Height Could Be a Telltale Sign
From Nancy Lapid, former Guide
Updated December 28, 2007 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
Should every short stature child be tested to see if he or she has celiac disease? The answer, according to many medical researchers, is a resounding "yes."
People are considered to be of short stature if they're among the shortest 3 to 5% of the population. Short stature can sometimes be normal, but sometimes it can be related to a medical problem -- and it's increasingly being recognized that short stature can be a symptom of celiac disease. In fact, it can sometimes be the only symptom of celiac disease.
In the December 2007 issue of the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, doctors in India who studied children with short stature reported that 15% of the children had celiac disease. Indeed, the doctors discovered that celiac disease was the single most common cause of short stature in the children in this particular study.
In the 1990s, Italian researchers who studied a group of children with short stature found that 59% of them had celiac disease. Celiac disease had already been linked to short stature in earlier studies of children in Italy, as well as in studies in Brazil and Iran.
None of the children with celiac disease and short stature in any of these studies had any gastrointestinal symptoms of celiac disease.
What Does This Mean For You?
In every study on this topic, researchers came to similar conclusions, namely:
•Short stature can sometimes be the only symptom of celiac disease in children.
•Short children should be tested for celiac disease, even if they have no gastrointestinal symptoms.
If your child is of short stature (or you are yourself), talk to a doctor about getting tested for celiac disease. Although confirmation of celiac disease would require a biopsy, a variety of blood tests (including genetic screening) can be done first to help decide whether a biopsy is called for.
Encouragingly, it's been found in some cases that when celiac disease is the cause of short stature, a gluten-free diet can be successful in improving a child's final height.
Asociación dedicada a la difusión de la enfermedad celiaca y la sensibilidad al gluten para su prevención, así como para la investigación médica y nutricional en el Perú. Únase a la asociación y reciba periódicamente información sobre productos alimenticios, farmacológicos, investigaciones sobre este trastorno, así como charlas y clases de cocina libres de gluten. Telf: 51- 975342724 ó 51-02211342 -teléfono mail
sábado, 2 de abril de 2011
viernes, 1 de abril de 2011
Recetas para celiacos
Estimados amigos envio este interesante link con muchas recetas i deas para la cocina del celiaco.
Aqui una de las recetas.
Pizza para celíacos
Para preparar la masa, coceremos las patatas, las escurrimos, las trituramos y para terminar le añadimos sal y pimienta. A continuación le añadimos las yemas y la harina, mezclando todo muy bien. Batimos las claras y las dejamos a punto de nieve, y cuando esté listo se las añadimos a la masa.
Aqui una de las recetas.
Pizza para celíacos
- 800 gr de patatas
- 4 huevos
- 2 cucharadas de harina de arroz
- Sal
- Pimienta
- Manteca
- 2 tomates
- 150 gr de panceta ahumada
- 150 gr de mozzarella
- 50 gr de aceitunas verdes
- 50 gr de aceitunas negras
- Orégano fresco c/n
Para preparar la masa, coceremos las patatas, las escurrimos, las trituramos y para terminar le añadimos sal y pimienta. A continuación le añadimos las yemas y la harina, mezclando todo muy bien. Batimos las claras y las dejamos a punto de nieve, y cuando esté listo se las añadimos a la masa.
Ahora extendemos la masa sobre una fuente para horno redonda (unos 25 cm de diámetro) que previamente habremos untado con manteca, y después lo metemos en el horno a 180 grados durante unos 10 minutos.
Mientras, cortamos los tomates en rodajas, la panceta en tiras, y las aceitunas en ruedas. Cuando la masa esté lista colocamos todos estos ingredientes sobre ella y echamos por encima la mozzarella rallada. Para terminar echamos pimienta a gusto por encima.
Volvemos a meter la pizza en el horno caliente unos 25 minutos.
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